Taipei Marriott Hotel Wedding 台北萬豪酒店婚禮 - Anna + Ray - Michelle Chang Photography


Last wedding in 2019!

I had the pleasure to photograph Anna and Ray's pre-wedding photos in 2018 when they reached out to me for their wedding in 2019, I was excited. One, it'll be my first destination wedding, two, it'll be in my hometown Taipei!

After much anticipation, the wedding date has come. We got lucky with a cloudy day after many days of rain in December. Anna had five dresses, and I was glad to have a great team to work through the day and able to photograph her in each dress beautifully. To my surprise, December was one of the busiest months for Taiwan's wedding season. We were lucky to get a little bit of time on the fifth floor for some gorgeous outdoor photos.  

One of the most memorable moments was when Anna's dad gave marriage advice to the couple. He said when you are married, you become a family, and the responsibility of a family is shared between the two. A home is a place for affection, not a place for reasoning. When Anna's mom said to the couple, come back home often to visit. Many of us couldn't help but shed some tears.  

Thank you, Anna and Ray, for this opportunity to photograph your beautiful wedding in Taipei. It was lovely to see you, your family and friends again. I wish you the very best! During the wedding, I heard family and friends wanting to look forward to hearing the patter of tiny feet  (早生貴子). I sure hope to photograph that next step in life for the two of you soon!

Wonderful Vendors:

Venue: 台北萬豪酒店 Taipei Marriott Hotel Planning: 成雙婚禮顧問公司 Be merry wedding Reception Design: Mr. Wed 婚禮佈置 Makeup+Hair: 玖零造型 Jolly Dresses: Selena Huan Bridal, Demetrios Taiwan蒂米琪國際禮服館, Nicole + Felicia Couture Videography: 不賴影像製作BeLight Cinema

Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
台北萬豪婚禮-Michelle Chang Photography
台北萬豪婚禮-Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
Taipei Wedding 美式婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
台北萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography
萬豪婚禮 - Michelle Chang Photography



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