Destination wedding photographer - Las Vegas Family Photography
This family/anniversary session was perfect! I was in Las Vegas for the annual wedding photographers conference and had the pleasure of meeting Danielle, who is also a photographer. Danielle and her husband John were celebrating their 8th year wedding anniversary, they put on their outfit from 8 years ago on their wedding date for this family session.

Redwood City Family Session - Olivia's Cake Smashing
Olivia is going to be 1 year old this weekend! I met up with Leigh Ann and the family at a local park in Redwood city for Olivia's cake smashing/family session.

Woodland Sunflower Field-Mother + Daughter Photo Session
I have been photography Jamie and Cynthia since Cynthia was just 2 months old. It is always fun to hang out and take photos of them. These lovely sunflower field mother and daughter photos were taken near woodland.

Las Vegas Mother + Daughters Photo Session-Wet Land Las Vegas
While editing this photo sessionI, I still can't believe how gorgeous and dreamy these photo turned out. Carly's two little daughters are naturals when it comes to posing.