Posts tagged San Francisco
San Francisco Lands End Engagement Session - Talent and Sherry

Sherry had many great ideas for the engagement session. We carefully planned the time, locations, and outfits for this session. Finally, the day has come, we first started the session inside the San Francisco city

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San Francisco Engagement Session: Presidio Lover's Lane - Jackie + Rob

It was a cold day in February, Jackie and Rob wanted to bring their doggie to the engagement session and I thought there is no place better than the lover’s lane in Presidio. We spent an hour at the presidio, first photograph the doggie because they are just like kids, the attention span is short.

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San Francisco Argnaut Hotel Wedding - Eddie and Scott

It has been raining so much in California, so when we woke up on the morning of March 23,2019 we were glad it was a clear day for Eddie and Scott’s wedding. Their wedding was held at the historial Argonaut Hotel, it was built in 1907 of exposed brick, and the rooms are full of seaside characters.

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